You will be met by stewards as you enter the church grounds.
• Enter by the main church door only.
• Sanitizers must be applied as you enter the porch.
• Register with the stewards (records kept for 21 days).
• You will be escorted to your seat (Start in Nicholson Aisle,
South Transcept, baptismal aisle, choir area and lastly the
main aisle from the front pews to the back). We ask that
people stay in their seat at all times. Bring your own bible and
prayer book. Use the silence to encounter the Lord. Pray for
those gathering to worship.
• There will be limited seating, maybe 45 “bubbles” but
members of the same household can sit together.
• Social distancing of 2m will be adhered to at all times.
• Your FWO can be placed in the baskets at the choir stalls.
• Service....all liturgy will be on the screen for responses, the
service will be live-streamed and recorded as well, there will
be no congregational singing, there will be some singing
provided by individuals, some which may be pre-recorded.
• This will be different but we are a worshipping people and
“for such a time as this” it will be more reflective with
scripture and prayer but God centred.
• Wearing of masks is a personal choice.
• Anyone displaying symptoms of Covid-19, who is shielding or
feeling unwell must not gather for worship in the church
• There will be no Holy Communion at present.
• At the end of the service, leave by the nearest door as
directed by the stewards. Sanitise your hands as you leave.
• There will be no refreshments after the service. If the weather
is sunny, do chat for a few moments and catch up but keep
socially distanced.
• We will monitor the numbers attending and adjust accordingly
with any changes from our Executive. We may have to ask
people to register through the Parish Office in the weeks
ahead. We want parishioners to be safe at worship but to
enable all to be connected more in this period of adjustment.